Subject: [SupernaturalFlorida] Saturday's Investigation Report....
Date: 7/10/2006 1:50:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Gamble Rogers Memorial State Park
Jason and I made a pit stop near Flagler Pier to fish it was closed so we set up on the beach. Nobody was out so it was more peaceful and the sand here is much softer. The waves were incredibly strong I got knocked over a few times in the water and like Salt Park they had a sea weed problem here too. Sea weed just covered the beach and constantly getting tangled around our lines.
Sometimes after a storm you get sea weed infestations so I guess we picked the wrong area or time to go but it was some nice fishing we had a beer, smoked up a little, and just admired how nice it was here. There was a lit up boat way out over the water, lightening and the moon was out. So  it was a real serene setting. We did find this giant crab running and I caught it by stepping on him accidentally he died a few minutes later guess that I should cut down on the munchies lol. The crabs are so funny on the beach cause they run mega fast its a challenge alone just catching them.
After we had our fun we headed on off to Gamble Rogers state park which is on both sides of the road so it was going to be a long investigation.  Upon changing our shoes at the truck a cop came by shined their spotlight right in Jason's eyes when driving past us lovely huh?  Anyways.....We started off on the ocean side which had campers right on the beach but this was the side with the board walk, memorials, restrooms, and some information on the area itself.
Jason and I did not want to bother any of the campers so we did not spend much time here. We got onto the board walk looked at the ocean, viewed the bulletin board, historical plaque and went over to some sand dunes. It was a really nice area here not sure if I would want to camp here lol but considering this state park is so close to the city of Flagler its a world of its own.
We crossed the road and entered the main part of the state park which had a lit up rangers station. It was a long hike in cause normally you are suppose to drive down the road go threw the gate and all the way back.  We had a long hike till we reached the boat launch.
This area was much deeper then the inter coastal waterway you could see depth markers out there. We followed the boat launch around a board walk which took us along a sea wall with benches and bulletin boards. This was probably the main park area as there were grills, picnic benches, and trails.
A few times I thought I heard something back here I felt pretty watched as we came to a dead with water on one side and woods on the other. We found a old dirt road with a fence so we started to hike back into the woods which led us to a trail marker. This was the best part of the investigation as these woods were very unfriendly.
Not knowing where we were going we just embraced the adventure. We started to hike down a trail so thick it was only wide enough for one of us at a time to walk threw. Parts of the trail were so heavily canopied by brush and tree growth we could not see the sky we had to duck constantly cause parts of the trail were only 5 feet in height.
Some parts of the trail were hilly while others were blocked by fallen trees. You could tell very few used the trails and then we came on out to another dirt road which had two more trails. We took the right one which led us to another one and out to the boat launch area.
But I felt something on them trails I heard movement one time and well it was just eerie lets put it that way. If you are claustrophobic this is not the trail for you cause the entire trail for at least a half of mile to a mile is like one giant tunnel of foliage. I got some photos on the trail of this pretty intense.
We started our hike back out to the truck not a lot of activity here but it was a nice hike. When we got back to the truck we decided to go fishing up in the Halifax river over in Ormond. It was already like 4am and we wanted to use the rest of our shrimp.
The river was nice I caught a few cat fish and we got a bite almost everytime we threw our line in the water. The cops came to the park shined their spotlight on us then parked next to my truck waited a awhile then they parked at the parks entrance. When we left we did not get stopped but once again all eyes on me constantly.
It was a nice night though we fished in between places while investigating. All the places we fished at we also previously investigated including the park in Ormond which a man died in. So it was a productive night I do not think your going to see amazing EVP or ghost footage but these are all places with history and energy to them.
We did not get home till about 7am so it was an all nighter. It was a lot of fun too its not to often we get to drive along the ocean and investigate places like these. It was a real treat just wish others got more involved some of you people act like you do not want to make friends or help out.
I will be taking this Saturday off due to gas prices are just getting to be a little to much where I am at. I also will be getting sends out today since things are settling down.
PGS Founder


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