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Subject: [ParanormalCalifornia] Our Fall Oakland & San Francisco Expeditions Nov. 13th -17th 2015......
Date: 11/20/2015 8:32:45 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
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Fort Miley
You can hike up through the woods to get here or you can park at the old Vet hospital and walk on over. I prefer to hike in the woods of course what do you expect? I am out here looking for ghost and the strange so the uphill is nice does a Lord Rick good. I had to pay very close attention but there are other paths back in here for joggers or people walking there dogs.
One of those paths led me to the left where I found the old Octagon House surrounded by tree cover. Tammy told me its just a house but boy is she so wrong there are only a couple left in the US like this therefore yeah its very very specially historically. Some just do not appreciate history the way I do but what I did not appreciate is that the house is in very poor shape with graffiti all over its white walls.
I seen a dumpster, piles of fresh wood and newer fencing around it. I think that should have been done a long time ago. Its amazing how others care about a property after its been a gluten for punishment. The house is in bad shape on the outside on the inside I have no idea it might be sound. I had seen through some of the windows surrounding it what appears to be just empty rooms. I do hope they are restoring it but with it being hidden among the foliage it will be a feat to stop taggers.
Not to far from there is a foundation made of stone in the woods with what appears to be a fireplace. I have read a few stories that this section of woods was once a cemetery which was exhumed and moved. Not sure it was because they needed to build the fort here or because most of the cemeteries in San Francisco were being moved due to the expanding growth of the city thus even a Columbarium was built to deal with this issue. One must think though how eerie it is to wander the woods knowing that funerals took place at this very location.
If you continue up the hill  past the foundation you will come up to the fort its not very far Tammy said she hated going up the hill. I had no issue with it we live out here in the west a majority of these historic sites are up on hills especially forts like this one. The view of the ocean is fantastic as well I guess this is what make this fort a valuable strategic point of interest for our military. The batteries still remains but the cannons and guns used to defend the fort as well as bay area are long since gone.
The sunset was gorgeous and here I am urban exploring this fort on the hill side above the treetops. Tammy sat this one out she does not share my passion to explore or trample around old abandoned buildings. But lets face it what else is there to do in life there is no place id rather be then to be at this fort at the time we were there. I figured id explore then have a nice dinner and some drinks why not right? Nobody pays me to do this nor do I plan on getting famous I operate a large paranormal group because were word of mouth and keep it fun.
So off I went exploring Fort Miley which the more I climbed around at the more buildings and interesting things I found here. It was more extensive then I thought and you can see through the trees the old vet hospital. There was a vet in a wheel chair that crossed this wood bridge and was watching me explore. I am sure he was also appreciating the history.
From what I found there are three buildings the first one has these steel bars all around it surrounding this battery which today is just large circle and the artillery gone. You can climb a ladder down to the battery where the cannon once stood. This fort continued to upgrade it also appears to be like if you explore it thorough. I believe mortars and massive rifles were also added surrounding the fort back in the day. That way they could fire the guns up to 10 miles away over open water.
The first building that contains the Battery on top of it is two stories in height and it was built to withstand a massive blast from Japanese air force. It was built into the rocks and earth while the massive gun resided on top of it. Then surrounding it you had walls or smaller halls where command could move about without having to go outside and perhaps they could use it as a look out post or even for defensive purposes.
I climbed the ladder down on top of the Battery then went down a dark corridor once it was dark out and down this long series of steps. Although the top of the battery seems small once you go on the back side of the hill one can see it was a large complex. Every so many few there is a big iron door while some rooms have iron bars on them rusting away that you can peer into its odd. But every so often is a door then a window while the main entrance at the bottom of the hill is two iron doors. Everything is welded shut today there is no getting inside to explore it but still no less its pretty cool.
There are also two other buildings one of them is also possibly three stories two above and one below ground . If you walk along the hillside you will come across a dark corridor with pillars holding up the third story then it veers left and dead ends. There are quite a few columns holding up stairs or parts upper levels of the fort.
Again same scenario welded shut every door, window and some rooms just have iron bars across it. I believe this had a bunker it would have a hidden level in order to connect to the battery underground. This was necessary for the soldiers to move between the two buildings and be able to operate the gunnery. I also heard there was garrison buildings but they were removed to build the old vet hospital. One must wonder if today the tunnels connect under the hospital or at one time to those Garrison buildings.  
I tried on a few occasions to go down stairwells that were L shaped which led me to a big bolted iron door no matter what building I explored. As an explorer you cant blame me for at least having a looksie right? hehe! The complex has many stairwells, ladders and everything seems to connect within the fort grounds. I decided to get a better look so I climbed this very steep stairwell to the top of this building which led me to a huge open area with smaller rooms on top of the complex.
There were skateboarders skating on the roof tops above me while I stood in front of this arched staircase and it looked more like what once was a command center. It reminded me of a small amphitheater to tell you the truth. There was allot of vandalism up here such as tags but at least the guys skating on the rooftops were okay with me being there just as I was okay with them skating because I get it. What I do not get is these folks spray painting such a cool site to explore I mean this place had guns that could fire ten miles that is pretty damn cool!
I went down some narrow stairwell which came out to an area overlooking the woods and I was on a roof top of the second story. There is this long series of steep concrete stairs that comes out to bottom of this level only this time there is this room surrounded by iron bars. Also adjacent from it is a smaller building which is about 30' x 15' and looked like a holding cell for possibly any prisoners? I have no idea but it looks like a small little jail house.
There are allot of little stair wells and corridors found within the fort. You have to be careful people can hide easily here now I did not run into anyone hiding but there were signs down some of the dead ends to such corridors or stairwells signs that others may come here to rest at night. Based on the tagging, litter and vandalism its also safe to say some come here to loiter rather then value the forts history.
I can sit here describe it to most of you or in the future ill just show you it. I took plenty of photos and videos of the fort itself. Who knows what haunts its halls I have to say hiking down some of the dark halls in the complex and in between the hillside woods and walls was quite foreboding. Even though nobody was hiding you always get that feeling you will come around the corner and run into someone or something. There is allot of garbage, leaves, twigs etc especially down some of the halls and corridors.
It was a fort it had a mess hall probably, barracks, armory etc etc but most of what you cant see remains hidden underground. Everything above ground is iron doors with rivets and very thick concrete walls building into the hills sides just above where the Sutro Pools reside believe or not! So not only does the fort come with views but it may come with ghost. Its possible the tunnels, bunker and much of what is underground may be haunted nobody knows the place is sealed up. The thing is that you have a large cemetery which was built over upon the hospital and the fort reside on peoples graves. Their were also some strange sounds down some of the corridors and even a few really patchy icy cold spots so who knows. I seen someone had pitched a tent back here with their bicycle next to it so I just assumed that the homeless also found some refuge here today.
The view is nice one can see all sorts of lights from Lands End and many historic sites below at night. The wind was blowing the palm trees back and fort as colors of sunset faded into darkness. But the view of the ocean from afar was paradise. I go to the dispensary and get this Dream Star strain so to be able to smoke a bowl at a picnic bench at the fort with the ocean in the distance for me is something I wont forget anytime soon.
I am very divided on this location its great to urban explore but at the same time I am a paranormal investigator so I did do an investigation also here. I took EMF readings which the highest may have gone up to three but since the Vet hospital is nearby such fluxes in energy need to be discounted because they could be false readings.
I also took some EVP and I have to admit some of the rooms with the iron bars that looked like jail cells were pretty eerie. I always felt watched here did not matter where I went as at Some rooms were completely sealed off or had big iron doors on the other end as if to keep someone both out and in. I can imagine there was more to the fort then just guns just in case of an invasion in WWII it could be ready to take POWs or a direct hit due to its location.
I also remember that graves use to exist up on this hill so we have to take that into consideration also. I did see some woman jogging in the woods here some folks run up here take a look then go back down. I do strongly advise you probably should not be up here at night alone I been exploring awhile and it may not be safe ya know? I am armed, strong and I been doing this a long time so I know the do's and don'ts but there is allot of places for someone to hide here its a fort surrounded by foliage in the city!
We made it back to the car in one piece I did not have time to visit the other battery nearby unfortunately. But there are many in San Fran apparently there is another one not to far from Fort Miley but by then we could not find anything it was nightfall and we were ready to check into the Serrano. I am not sure what happened but my brand new skull earring vanished without a trace no answer for it had it in all week without an issue.
We had reservations at the Serrano Hotel of course they refer to themselves as a resort I beg to differ but establishmentsT who do get to charge patrons like me resort fees in the bay area. The hotel was built in the 1920's after the great quake it has that mobster feel to it a pretty lobby but very small rooms with the old striped wallpaper lol. The hotel resides in Union Square on 405 Taylor Street in San Francisco.
It took me almost an hour to get to the hotel and I was only a few miles away. All anyone does is honk even if you have nowhere to go that is what they do then they wonder why I almost had gotten out of my car the other day. There are so many one ways, dead ends, detours, people J walking, cars cutting you off, hostile angry drivers, honk happy mofos and crazy cases that I felt like I was stranded on an island full of fucking zombies! I am sorry but it just has to be said!
When I arrived at Union Square there had to be thousands of people walking around with shopping bags. Do you know what I thought at that given moment? Thank good for EBAY, Amazon and online shopping. People are going crazy to shop you cant drive because each time you make a left to go around the block because everything is one way and its a freaking rat maze to get to your hotel think 100 people are crossing at once. By then the light changes and your still stuck at the same cotton picking traffic light WTF!
I was about to have a nervous break down because the city is a death trap. Lets face it most of the buildings downtown fell in the quake of 1906. They were rebuilt with debris that fell to the city streets to save money its not safe trust me. Not all buildings meet earthquake standards and well if your stuck down any of the streets downtown your not going to get out. Between the threat of tsunamis and another great quake this place is a tomb. I could only tolerate it for about 10 seconds not sure how someone can for 10 years it must take allot of patience lol.
    To make matters worst people cut you off, speed, take up two lanes and so driving downtown is nearly impossible just as much as finding parking. I spent a couple hours trying to park missed out on a cocktail party at the hotel therefore I did not get to drink and I was starting to get a little pissed off lol. There is no escaping this place some freaking dude that looked like a Walker on the Walking Dead ran up to my vehicle foaming at the mouth and his pants fell down so his schlong was swinging as he ran to my window. I had to nearly hit the guy to get him to move on this is reality folks no a movie!
There are parking garages but some want as much as 50 dollars to park there for the night its highway robbery. The problem is the city of San Fran is not making this is a safe city to alleviate the traffic issues and congestion problem. This is an earthquake prone area you have to have a means for others to get out smoothly and evacuation or thousands may die in the future. Why they cant start building large parking centers like they do in Hong Kong makes me sometimes wonder.
I ended up going back to the parking garage next to the hotel which by the way came out to 39 dollars to park next to the Serrano. These hotels are making a killing not to mention the city that takes a 25% tax cut. There has to be new laws new implementations when it comes to parking to help alleviate some fo the chaos in the city. I see allot of greed especially in San Fran when it comes to businesses, parking, hotels etc etc and some of the drivers who think they own the road even though you move 1 inch a minute.
To make matters worst I had to give up my keys to the garage tenant therefore you have to grab your luggage, food, valuables etc right at the parking garages entrance and the street where crime is happening in front of you. I had some guy who kept honking in my ear while grabbing luggage because he felt I was not moving fast enough funny thing is the tenant had my keys and was busy goofing off to much to move the car a few spaces forward.
The room itself was 300 dollars when I looked out my window I could have touched the next building which had a window with a ripped up screen and shade coming about half way down. Trust me there was no view and the room was not in great shape. I have to admit the lobby was beautiful and yeah its historic and bustling. One of the hotels staff told us to dine at Jaspers said it was typical bar food well when I looked at the menu seen an 18 burger and a goat leg I thought at this point in the game we need to just stay in order pizza lol.
Each room has that 1920's look to it with the old wallpaper, striped chairs, old furniture, little sink and closet. But for what you pay it really in my opinion is not worthwhile. People get this room because they want to shop I guess that there is only two shopping squares in the country like Union Square the other being in the big apple. Our television was very slow at changing channels there was no guide but I finally put on Grim and decided that I am not going to leave my room.
It took over 2 hours to get a pizza and some wings to the room. By then I was snoring and starving all at the same time. I brought food and drinks problem is they parking garage takes them. You cant access shit lets say you left some sodas in your cooler well forget it. Lets say an earthquake hits and you need to get out of the city or a tsunami is coming! Forget it because they have your keys so if they heed the warning and leave your screwed because your vehicle will be somewhere in that garage and they have your keys.
I woke up in the morning the coffee was cold and the one pot of organic was empty. A pipe had broke therefore we could not shower. They take 20 dollars off and tell us to come again. The parking garage charged us 39 dollars and I did not leave the Serrano happy. I think its important at times to share my experiences with the public to let everyone know more in depth about my journeys ad what comes with it.
 I talked to the owner or someone in management who told me the other day to use Valet when parking that way I have access to my vehicle of course it probably will cost twice as much. She told me the building meets engineering specs which I am still skeptical of considering you have 236 small rooms crammed into an old building which is not in the best shape. Its a tomb in a natural disaster getting out of here may not be possible let alone getting your car to get out of the city. I felt trapped here some people like this kind of thing the hustle and bustle.
If I am going to vacation I like calmness but I also do not like to be ripped off either. Your basically paying to stay downtown San Francisco because they do not have adequate parking so it forces you to get out on the streets, shop, spend your money and cause congestion. Now see if I did not pay over 30 dollars for pizza since the delivery charge is outrageous and a ton of money to park I could have shopped or afforded to eat at Jaspers thus giving back to the city in taxes or towards the local businesses.
All in all it was good to be out of here when I had gotten the keys I flew away from this place and well I learned real fast there is no end to downtown as day two I would be working with Mountain View.
I have to say I am highly disappointed in staying at the Serrano Hotel after visiting the Sutro Baths and Fort Miley that evening. The rooms are very small but on the lighter aspect of things its very historic if your looking for something that has a 1920's era feel to it. The room we had cost around 300 dollars do I think it was worth that price? NO! I spent 2 hours driving around the hotel looking for parking because each light you get stranded at for 20 minutes and by the time you cant find anything your forced to park next door. Even though it stated 31 dollars if your a hotel guest I was charged 39 dollars. I had to give up my keys therefore if you need to go back to your car for a late night drive or you have some food or supplies you cannot access it.

What if there is an earthquake or disaster how do you get your keys to get out of this place? You cant instead you stay and die all over the Serrano trying to make a quick buck because they know there is nowhere else for you to park therefore your trapped having to utilize the garage next door. Therefore its not very accommodating nor convenient to stay here period except the location that you are at.

By the time I finally handed my keys over to park the cocktail party where they offer free drinks to the guests ended and I just missed it. When I looked out the window to my room on the third floor I could literally reach across touch the next building there was no view just a jacked up broken window and everything within the room was poorly kept for example the liquor cabinet was damaged among a few other things.

The lobby was nice but in the morning they were out of coffee and to make matters worst a pipe burst so we were not able to take showers in the morning. The lady gave us a 20 dollar discount taking off the reservation fee however by no means is this place a resort yet they try to claim they are yet no amenities are available. They have a restaurant on the bottom floor its nice but I am not going to pay almost 20 dollars for a burger. One of the tenants working for the Serrano said to give it a try told me its bar food and yes they have some but they also have dishes most folks have not heard of in there entire lives!

I can only give this place two stars and that is for its history along with staff at least being courteous to me. Just keep in mind when another big one hits forget it the Serrano will be a tomb trust me on this because this building just by walking around studying the walls and structure one can tell that it needs work. I am not complaining just merely stating a fact that you do not get enough bang for your buck and I think the hotel could do more for its patrons.

The parking issue has got to be resolved or most people are going to get a hotel somewhere else on the bay without dealing with the hassle just as there needs to be more for the patrons if they are going to shell out such a high cost for the rooms here. They need to hand out parking vouchers or offer a dinner ticket with some drinks. Its the only thing that would ever perhaps persuade me into staying here again but until then ill stay at the Wharf like I did two years ago. People want to chill they do not want to spend tons of money only to deal with parking issues, small rooms, no hot water and an empty coffee pot in the morning!

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Ashland Area, Huntsville Area, Idaho Falls - Pocatello Area, Indianapolis, Iowa City, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MS, Jackson, TN, Jacksonville, Jefferson County, Johnstown - Altoona, Johnstown, Jonesboro, Joplin, Joplin - Pittsburg, Juneau, Kansas City, Knoxville, La Crosse, Lafayette Area, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lake Charles, Lansing - East Lansing, Lansing Metro, Laredo, Las Cruces, Las Vegas, Lawton, Lehigh Valley, Lewiston - Auburn, Lexington, Lima, Lincoln, Little Rock, Little Rock - Pine Bluff Area, Long Island, Longview, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Lynchburg Area, Madison, Madison Metro, Mankato Area, Marquette, Memphis, Merced, Meridian, Michiana, Milwaukee, Missoula, Mobile, Mobile Pensacola Area, Monroe, Monterey Bay Area, Montgomery, Myrtle Beach Area, Naples, Nashville, National, New Orleans, New York, North Central Ohio, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northeastern South Carolina, Northern Alabama, North Jersey, North Platte Area, Northwest Alabama, Northwest Arkansas Area, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Onslow County, Opelika Auburn, Orange County, Orlando, Ottumwa - Kirksville, Owensboro, Palm Springs Area, Pensacola, Peoria - Pekin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Piedmont Triad, Pine Bluff, Pittsburgh, Portland, OR, Portland, Portsmouth Rochester, Presque Isle Area, Providence, Pueblo, Punta Gorda, Quad Cities, Quincy - Hannibal - Keokuk, Raleigh Durham, Rapid City, Redding - Chico, Redding, Red River Valley, Reno, Richland - Kennewick Area, Richmond, Rio Grande Valley Area, Roanoke, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NY, Rock County, Rockford, Sacramento, Saginaw - Bay City - Midland, Salt Lake City, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Savannah Area, Scranton Wilkes Barre, Seattle, Sharon, Shenandoah Valley, Sherman - Denison, Shreveport - Bossier City, Shreveport, LA Area, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, South Bend, Southeastern North Carolina, Southern Colorado, Southern Maine, Southern Oregon, Southern Washington Area, Southern West Virginia, South Florida, Southwestern Indiana, Southwest Florida, Southwest Georgia, Spokane, Springfield Area, Springfield - Decatur - Danville, Springfield, MO, Springfield, State College, Steubenville - Weirton, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Sumter, Syracuse, Tallahassee Area, Tampa Bay, Terre Haute, Texarkana, Toledo - Findlay Metro, Toledo, Topeka Area, Tri - Cities, Tri - State Area: KY - IL - MO, Tucson - Sierra Vista, Tulare County, Tulsa, Tuscaloosa, Twin Cities, Twin Falls Area, Tyler Area, Tyler, Utica - Rome, Victoria, Waco, Washington, DC, Waterloo Cedar Falls, Watertown Area, Wausau - Rhinelander Area, West Central Ohio, West Central Wisconsin, Western Carolina - NW Georgia, Western North Carolina, West Palm Beach, West Texas, Wheeling - Steubenville Metro, Wheeling, Wichita Falls & Lawton, Wichita Falls, Wichita & Western Kansas, Williamsport, Yakima, Youngstown - Warren, Yuma, Zanesville, Altamonte Springs, Crescent City, Eustis, Hollywood, Leesburg, Jupiter, Neptune Beach, New Port Richey, Lake Wales, Lake Mary, Titusville, St Cloud, Santa Rosa, Palmetto, Vero Beach, St. Petersburg, Baton Rouge, Meridian, Jackson, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Gulfport, Seminole, Bordin Booger, Panama City, Goblyn, Ghouls, Loch Ness, Nessie, Bessie, Selkies, Mermaids, Sirens, Kraken, Dragons, Plesiosaur, Loveland Frog, Sprites, Seljord serpent, Exmoor Beast, Big Cats, Lake Normon, Lake Bala, Cressie, Alkali, Illiamna Lake Monster, Cressie, Nyami Nyami, Masbate, Ponik, Chessie, Selma, Tacoma Sea Serpent, Storsie, Cadborsaurus, Lake Utopia, Gloucester, Lake Tianchi Monster, Tessie, Mokele-Mbembe, Mongolian Death Worm, Impakta,Orang-Pendek,Owlman, Easter Island, Olifiau Monster of Flatwoods, Big Bird, Tatzelwurm, GOATMAN OF MARYLAND , BEAST OF BODMIN MOOR, Kaptar, Biabin-guli, Grendel, Ferla Mohir, Brenin Ilwyd, Ngoloko, Kikomba, Gin-sung, Yeti, Mirygdy ,Mecheny, Chinese Wildman, Nguoi Rung, SPRING HEELED JACK, Pressie, Hardin, White River, Parapsychology, Elves, Bennington Triangle, Marfa Lights, OBE, Astral, Enigma, Urban Exploration, Tunnels, Caves, Gaia, earth, healing, new age, runes, goddess, covens, Asatru, Asatruar, Druid, Druidism, Druidry, Druids, Odian, Odianism, Odians, Odin, Odinism, Odinist, Odinists, Santeria, Santerian, Santerians, Setian, Setianism, Setians, Strega, Stregheria, Wicca, Wiccans, Witch, Witchcraft, Witches, Pagan, Paganism, Neo-Pagan, Neo-Paganism,Neo-Pagans, poetry, cats, faerie, fairy, faeries, elements, occult, metaphysics, reiki, alchemy, shaman, Shaman, Shamanism, Celtic, Native American, Norse, tarot, divination, circle, fellowship, Samhain, Yule, Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassah, Mabon, crystals, nature, moon, mythology, sabbat, chants, dragons, tantra, singles, dating, willow, fire, Isis, gothic, renaissance, numerology, astrology, Rite, Rites, altar, Mysticism, brews, Deity, Talisman, Voodoo, charms, Bos, Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Kali, Fey, Pan, Loki, Totems, Spirit Guide, psychic, Angels, white, Sacred, Green, Aura, Elementals, mage, magic, Solstice, Equinox, Palm Reading, Charms, Deity, Invocations, Thermal Detector, Radiological, Ion, Video Cameras, Micro cassette Player, Centaurs, Cerebral Anoxia, Clairoleofactor, Clairvoyance, Cosmology, Cryptomnesia, Abductee, Aigypan, Alchemy, Animism, Automatic Writing, ESP, Daemon, Deja Vu, Dematerialization, Demonology, Discarnate Spirits, Disembodied, Doppelganger, Dowsing, EEG or Electro-encephalography, Empathy, Gaus, Banshee, Basilisk, Body Snatcher, Bunyip, CA, Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Chico, Lake Tahoe, Jackson, California, Research, Myspace, Bands, Music, Electronics, Suvival Gear, Protection, Adult, Amazson, EBAY, MYSPACE, Gothic, Rock, New Age, Alternative, Punk, Amibent, Electronic, England, France, Paris, Australia, Trains, Mine, Radio, AngelOfThyNight, Dark, Cursed, Sin City, Canyon, Desert, Mojave, Adsense, Google, Best Buy, Flashlight, EMF, Energy, Cult, Church, Nightfall Radio, Tagged, Yahoo, Messenger, Prophet, God, Godlike, Dark Matter, Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada's, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Markleeville, Woodfords, Indian, Valley, Carson Valley, Indian Hills, Sparks, Reno, Fernley, Dayton, Truckee, Fredericksberg, Ranchos, Genoa, Kingsbury,Fallon, Washoe, Pleasant Valley,Silver Springs, Silver City, Gold Hill, Virginia City, Moundhouse, Empire, Dresslerville, Smith Valley, Yerington, Wellington, Sacramento,Stockton, Sonora, Angels Camp, Placerville, Folsom Lake, Topaz Lake,Forest Hill, Alpine, Douglas County, Philips, Nebelhorn, Wadsworth, Patrick, Meyers, Columbia, Jamestown, Churchhill, Lyon County, El Dorado County, Amador County,Placer County and Storey County