Subject :Last Nights Amazing Halloween Adventure In Saint Augustine....
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups.

Every year around Halloween I try to do something really special for our website at and this year I wanted to complete the trilogy which would be my third and final visit to the Saint Augustine area the oldest most haunted city in the nation so I am told. But that city is one of my favorites the old stone carriages...cannons all over...and historical sites its like being a world away from a world.
I wish more came out with me when I go out of town and tour these places I make it worth your while I dont just visit some cheesy place and go home. I literally live it up and explore these places. I think the last couple months a lot of you have missed some pretty awesome trips.
But anyway's I went out of breakfast yesterday....took the entire day planning out the investigation.....went got my sons there Halloween costumes...ate a nice dinner...packed up my cooler...and gear then headed on out. It was very fogging and raining going up there as on my way I seen a car upside down it just happened too.
But I managed to pull off 5 really awesome places called..... 1.Fort Mose, 2. C.W. Parker Carousel, 3.La Leche Chapel,.Shrine & Historical Cemetery, 4. Barnes Cemetery and the 5. Langdale Homestead the activity I experienced last night was extremely high when I add up all my experiences. I wanted to take the the ocean drive but did not cause the cloud coverage was horrible and well its nice to see the moon over the Atlantic coast.
Anyway's it would be an awesome night as our trilogy had begun with all Hollows Eve looming a couple days away.

Fort Mose
If you read about the tragic deaths and history here you would understood as to why I chose this eerie little place. I arrived in Saint Augustine fast went almost 90 the whole way. Somehow something got mixed up because on my directions the McDonalds I was suppose to meet Donna at did not exist. There was one further south I went to but she was in reality at the one on the north side. So I drove between the gas station and McDonalds at least 4 times did not see her. We missed one another and for that I apologize I may have mapped out the other McDonalds that I had listed.
But as you know its Halloween almost so Saint Augustine is known for its ghost tours....haunted ghost walks...and crazy nightlife especially this time of year. There were groups of girls in sexy Halloween costumes at McDonalds dressed up as school you name it I seen it and for the guys that do not show well you must not go that way because man even if your not into what we do here I seen last night some of the sexiest costumes on girls in my life. So yeah I knew my night was looking up already hahaha.
I am sorry Donna that we missed one another its hard when you have to meet at various locations sometimes you do not know if they changed names...if they were torn down...if you go to the wrong one etc I felt pretty bad cause honestly the paranormal is meant to be shared with all and doing these places alone was not an easy task.
Anyhow I drove up to Fort Most definitely not what I expected...I thought wow hiking trails....board walks...plaques etc and yet all it one parking lot...with a board walk...some woods...and a building that's a visitation center.
I started hiking up on the board walk heard the creepiest bird ever and it just kept going on and on the entire time of my investigation. It was real dark had woods on both sides of me and the further I went the more I felt watched. On each side of me was grass lands and marsh the fort was built in a location that would be hard for its enemies to get to.
I came up to a dark area with some woods ahead of me I felt very uncomfortable at Fort Mose I felt them watching me and a lot of them not just one or two. It was like being a messengers movie where you turn your back and something crawls fast behind you.
I got to the end of the board walk and thought wow this is was maybe a 10 minute stroll that's it to the site where the fort once stood nothing exciting believe me. But I heard movement felt a few cold spots nothing seemed terrible over haunted here.
I went on over to the building on site...and in back is very old trees....woods...and a flat area. I heard something I do not know what it was but it sounded like a man and not one of the human kind off in the distance towards the swamps. I took my time did what I had to do and when I arrived back at my car I heard a gun shot come from where the fort once stood a ghostly gun shot.
So as suspected this turned out to be an interesting haunted place. I then moved on to our next location which is a haunted Carousal.

boardwalkanomaly.jpg (28015 bytes)  railingorb.jpg (13923 bytes)  treeface.jpg (26196 bytes)

Sometimes things are not always what they seem the anomaly on the board walk could be a bug of course a skeptic would say it is but then some would say its a fairy....or other energy anomaly. Then to the very right is a face caught up in the tree probably caused by the foliage is it odd yes paranormal? Who knows that is why some things remain to the unknown!