The Forsythe home belongs to a friend of mine. The house is roughly 15 years and before she moved in it belonged to a interior decorator with a husband and 2 children. I never felt uneasy at this house despite a time I spent the night here, even hiked in the woods behind there at night, and many times of just coming over to spend time with my friends and there children. I do remember a ghostly experience I had in the backyard one night when I decided to do a séance at a party here where a whole stampede of horses were heard charging right through us. However recently Amy the owner contacted me about some activity here. Apparently on July 10th 2003 she heard a voice in her room saying Amy Amy but nobody was there and the voice was very calm. Recently she also has seen a white figure near her kitchen an a orb traveling very fast in the dining room. Audra who also lives in the house as her brother in laws girlfriend reported to me that the other night she was laying in the living room turned around and seen a man 50s style hair and dress ware just grinning at her. He had one hand in the pocket was leaning against the wall staring at her then he started to walk towards her looked at her and walked downstairs towards the family room and basement area. She was shown Amy's fathers photo from many years ago and she just was in shock because the ghost she seen looked like her father. After our investigation at the house we did go home and Amy reported to me that Audra seen another figure by the door when Amy and Brock shut the lights off because they smelled a skunk out back. I do not know a reason for this activity all of sudden but I have an idea of why it is happening. Ghost generally will visit a person either because they feel comfortable finding a place they can be at peace with or they usually are loved ones watching over there family members for what reason who knows maybe protection, maybe something is about to happen, maybe it does not like Amy's new roommates. This house is very pretty inside and most of the vibes that I get are in that basement which Audra heard laughing a couple days ago of a man when she was down there. With the full moon and the cracked moon which only occurs once a year it seems the spirit in this house was able to make itself more active. The area the spirit showed itself has alot of electrical power in the wall since the fridge and other outlets are near by so that is why the spirit chose to manifest near there for so long. The children also feel uncomfortable in there room they do not like to sleep there however I believe the ghost is actually visiting them to watch over them and means no harm. Amy also stated that lately her remote control has been disappearing whenever she goes into the kitchen to get a snack. Her father always had to have his remote so again we think the phenomena is related to this. I have carefully worked with Amy's deceased family members and have caught them numerous times on film I do not know why however they seem to feel comfortable with me since I am a good friend of hers and make her happy. This house is not old it is not eerie but it seems the Brown family ghost have taken up some residency here.

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July 15th 2003-A white figure was seen in the doorway after we went home from our investigation it seems that it shows itself to the roommate not the owner.

July 16 2003-Early Morning Roommate was called twice as the spirit whispered in her ear. The spirit seems to be able to talk very clear but it only says names once or twice. This time it called the owners name out twice. 

Afternoon Time- The spirit called the owners son twice when he went to his room his name was called twice when he was in the middle of drawling he cried and ran out of his room because he did not understand the occurrence. 

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