Subject: [SupernaturalFlorida] Saturday's Investigation Report...
Date: 4/17/2006 4:30:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Flagler Ave & New Smyrna

We were here awhile back if you remember for the Dummett Grave Investigation. There is a lot of history here as old houses, shops, and historical sites yield to both sides of Flagler Ave. We parked near a old church and headed on off down the quiet street.

We walked past a few shops there was two bars up ahead one on each side of the street. There was a drunk group of people that walked past us. But for the most part all the shops were dark or had dimly lit lights on.

I noticed a few dark alleys where in one case felt a presence watching us but I was quite disappointed with hearing stories how haunted it was. Ariel felt a lot of residual energy surrounding the different structures. In one case I felt watched upstairs in one of the dark shop windows.

We made our way on over to the beach and there was a fire pit with a bunch of kids. It was nice the moon was looming over the water and Ariel said she seen something big come out of the water. I thought perhaps a fish jumping out but she said it was pretty close to shore and large like it was standing on the water.

The beach was much different then Daytona or Ormond. They say this is one of the nicest beaches in the country and I could see why. The sands were soft and clean. We walked down both sides of the beach and again we felt residual energies here from the past. At one time pirates and explorers walked these beaches lots of history to area.

We walked back along the opposite side of Flagler and this side had a more eerie feeling. There was an empty lot and some vacant bed and breakfast for sale. Many of the shops were closed and we found a bird trail further down the way which was very strong in energies where Ariel and I walked a few feet in on.

It seemed on this side many shops were once homes perhaps this is why there are so many ghost stories could be because these once owned houses are not used for business. Our walk back was semi okay a group of kids were singing Easter songs when they seen Ariel's bunny ears.

We took our time walking taking readings etc I would say out of all the towns we have investigated New Smyrna is the least eerie. There is a real festivity typing of feeling in the air. It was past midnight and lots of people were out walking around I would love to come back here in the winter and get another investigation in of some of the alleys and back sides to these shops. We then headed on off to our last place of the evening Christmas Park.

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Lastly this photo probably is not an apparition it could be a poster in the window. I cannot remember since these updates are a couple months late. If its not a ghost it sure makes an eerie picture eh? Its all good though!

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