Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] This Evenings Investigation Report  
Date: 2/28/2005 9:22:41 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Euclid Pioneer Cemetery

I was driving home and took a dirt road it was just one of those impulse things wondering where it leads lol. I got to this intersection and looked to my left and seen what looked like in the distance a tilted gravestone. I drove up the road and to my right was a cemetery its deplorable conditions is what captured my interest.

James and I pulled over getting out of the car it was almost dark out.  I shot some video footage and took some photos of the rod iron gates and stone wall. But the rest of the wall in the front of the cemetery had collapsed in various sections on both sides along with the piles of cinder blocks.

The cemetery had alot of crooked trees and it went very far back. I did not hike all the way to the back. Basically this was a prologue investigation. I was tired from hiking and so what I did was took some photos and a few times seen some orbs in the flash. I took a few video shots of how terribly vandalized this place was an the cemetery itself do not know if it was took dark but I hope it shows up. 

Basically on my investigation here this seemed to be a black cemetery possibly perhaps those who worked on the Stark Plantation and others which existed in the area in the 1800s. Sadly they had many old stones mixed in with newer ones but many stones were leaning, tipped, illegible and some were hidden in brush. I have to say out of all the cemeteries so far I been to in Florida this was one of the worst ones. 

All the little family plots were missing chains and only broken stone pillars surrounded them leaning all different ways. Some pillars were so old that they were black caused by aging. There was many different upper burials and vaults here. There was even one stone outside of the cemetery far away from all the other gravestones. 

I cannot say there was alot of activity here but James told me he seen so many ghost that he could not even count them as they stood around us. Maybe that would explain why it was so cold within the cemetery. I tried doing some research tonight and there is no information whatsoever on this cemetery its like its been forgotten or does not even exist. 

But all I can say is when you see the photos you will understand and hopefully in the future I can take the guys up here late one night. I cannot wait to investigate this place a second time its going to be a real chiller as this place is secluded and has some very eerie looking tombstones. Peace,

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