In the earlier 1900's this area was inhabited by a family or gang of counterfeiters. The family said to be involved was from Ohio printing fake money. Eventually the Department of Revenue Services found this out and raided the out cropping in the cliff side.  During this raid one person was shot and killed in the gun fight. There is also a rock that extends on out which has carved in it the name of the family. 

They say the leader of the gang was maw but that to me sounds more like maw barker here in FL so I am not so sure if she was the actual leader in charge. Good chance that quite a few were involved in this back then but they were caught eventually after the gun fight. I also heard rumors of another cavern in the area wish I had more time to look around its a weird place very secluded to. 

The only way really to get into the Den is to repel on into it and trust me if you fall you could die its a very large and high cliff. To get to the cliff alone you have to hike threw thorn brush and its a hidden area. There are no signs to get here or parking areas. Its one of these places you park, cross some old unused tracks, hike in the woods with no trail and come right out looking over a cliff.

I did climb a part of the cliff in a less steeper area and I did enter a den maybe not the same one or maybe it was. But like I said it was steep and there were drop offs. There are some pretty deep crevices to and today its a well known spot for visitors to try and hunt down those Counterfeiter press plates which are still said to be hidden here. 

©  By

Lord Rick





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