Chapman Dam was a new area for our organization to check out. I have to say hiking in this area at night is very very eerie. Something just does not feel right about the 800 acre state park which includes a 68 acre lake with Tionesta Creek running threw it. Besides the fact that the park is 800 acres in size it does go beyond this with many trails one of them goes for a few miles right into Heart's Content area and contains a vastness of Wilderness.

The park was made to honor Dr. Leroy E. Chapman who died in 1967 in Warren. He was the State Senator from 1929 to about 1963 and was very active in civil affairs for the State of PA. The first acreage of land was acquired in 1949. 

The damn was constructed near the old earthen Dam of the Bucher Mill Log Pond which dates back to about 1849 when the Old Bucher Mill stood here. The state park was opened back in 1951.

This area was a cryptozoological investigation. We did do a little hiking but unfortunately not as much as I wanted to. There is a suspended bridge within the state park overall its a very dismal place. Its not like Kinzua dam that gets 1000s of visitors this dam here is more secluded and smaller. 

Putting all the facts together what I can tell you is A. Bigfoot tracks have been discovered numerous times in the area B. There has been a couple Bigfoot Sightings over the years here C. A UFO was sighted above the trees this past year in the area. So we know something is happening up in this region. 

Dr. Vig told me a story about one time his dog ran off during a picnic and came back shivering, scared and covered in slime. To this day he has no idea why but feels something out in those woods tried to get his dog. On another occasion he mentioned that years ago they fenced off the area to the public not allowing anybody in the area. When he approached the gates the man living in the house next to the state parking tried to hit him with his truck.

Two mentally challenged boys snuck past the fence and were institutionalized all they kept saying is I know what your doing back in those woods and the truth. They seen something back there they should not have what I do not know. Dr. Vig told me that someone he knows who works for the forestry said they do have video cameras in the area and told him if you seen what I seen on those cameras you would never go into the woods again.

So it all boils down to something strange is happening in these woods. Sure you can camp, hike, bike ride, picnic etc here but certain times a year like when I visited this place nobody is up here. The less people that are up here the more strange stuff that seems to happen. 

Dr. Vig was very sincere about telling me his experiences over the years like once when he was with his kids over 20 years ago. He seen glowing lights in the woods and there was government in the area. Maybe a downed UFO? Its really hard to say but in my opinion this is an area with a little of everything UFO's, Bigfoot and even Spirits.

© By

Lord Rick



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