The C.W. Parker Carousal was built in 1927 and is currently owned by a James Soules who is a resident of St. Augustine The Carousel was actually part of an inheritance from his late brother named Gerard Soules which was a performer with the Barnum and Bailey Circus. 

Gerard had found the carousal in a barn up in Mystique Michigan in 1987 for purchasing at at $25,000. By 1992 it was in operation at the Fort Wayne Indiana Zoo Sadly he would not get to enjoy it long because a burglar killed him when he was working at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. Alot of people do not know this I myself have been to Circus Circus in Las Vegas dozens of times and probably will again next year. 

Due to Gerard being killed that is when James Soules inherited it restoring it once again. In 1992 Carl Theel of Theel Manufacturing in Leavenworth, KS helped with its restoration and sadly it would be also his last. In 1994 the Carousal was relocated to St. Augustine. 

The story goes that children can be heard laughing when nobody is around. Also people have sighted a ghostly man surrounding this historic Carousal...perhaps Gerard Soules...maybe Car Theel. I am not sure if any deaths have occurred back 70 years ago but its a well known haunted site.

I was very happy to visit this location not everything for me is about ghost ghost ghost you doing this page it serves as sort of a memorial as well. It allows me to keep those still alive who in this case is a man who lost his life trying to bring light into children's hearts. 

Currently the Carousal sits in a park with swings, picnic benches, old trees, etc its a gorgeous place and it could not have belonged in a better place then here!

© By

Lord Rick


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