Subject: [SupernaturalFlorida] This Weekends Spooky Adventure In Brooksville YES!!
Date: 12/9/2007 8:32:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
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I must say that this weekend was nothing but stellar at every end of the spectrum. We are almost done with all our cases in Florida and I really have a lot to be thankful for with all the wonderful places we visited while our stay in Florida. This trip would prove challenging for me again being I still have not fixed the axle...our budget was tight and it would be a long night of various events we had planned.
I would first and foremost like to thanks my friend Beast "Bryan"  for helping me knock off the investigation. Some of you might know him from the Tampa area but anyway's he use to run his own group up in NJ and moved down here around the same time I did. After three years we finally got to meet up and hang out. I remember when he first wrote me a few years ago he told me that people like him and I were rare breeds and he is right. He helped me the entire night take photos...hike around...he didn't spook off or anything. Which brings me to my last episode where I talked about real paranormal investigators and he is just that a good experienced explorer and investigator something I don't run across down here. I am sure if we lived closer him and I would have done many adventures together but unfortunately sometimes its distance that is a factor when it comes to ghostbusting and adventures like we do.  So it turned out really nicely that he lives fairly close to the locations we were visiting.
Those locations being The Brooksville Heritage Museum, Brooksville Cemetery, Roger's Christmas Village, Chinsegut Hill & Manor, and Finally the very eerie Old Springhill Cemetery. This investigation would be different in the fact that I took hours upon hours of EVP recordings something I do not do often but promised our fans to work more with.
Each location we visited has a ghost story or special piece of history relating to the Brooksville area a town that does not get as much paranormal attention as it should. But it is one of the more haunted areas in FL and older towns as well. It sort of reminds me of a civil war town and well you can think of it as one since the area played a big role in history of the south.
I do think that this investigation was more then perfect the night was beautiful out...all the stars were visible...I had Beast helping me out and we covered a lot of ground. In addition to that I had a Christmas Party to attend Saturday which Ill add into the report since I basically went straight from my investigation to the hotel so it was a very long couple days for me lol.
Anyway's my investigation would start off downtown Brooksville where we met at McDonalds. Strangely I could not find the right one so we met at a different one but it still worked out well.


The Brooksville Heritage Museum

We parked right out front in the parking lot of this giant Antebellum Home. It was a pretty large place tall windows...porches around it upper as well as lower...and a very large oak tree with Spanish moss next to its side.
Beast and I were talking about how cool it would be to wander in a place like this but my concern was more with the grounds which are said to be haunted. A lot of times with some places its the land that is haunted so we kept our eyes open all around us.
This would not be the type of investigation where your in seclusion it was more of a historic stop. We kept an eye out on the windows their was not a lot of activity here. I did feel something up in the one window...I felt a little coldness near the graves near the house....and felt like the place had an element of surprise feeling meaning that its a right place and right time thing to see something of the paranormal.
We walked around the home working on ghost photography I took EVP recordings in various areas and then we came across an old cemetery behind the home. Trust me the graves run along the homes foundation and those buried here were I believe its original owners.
I felt like we were being watched not to a point of discomfort but I do feel something knew we were there. The place is well visited it has its odd stories. We walked into the memory garden which was totally decorated with xmas knickknacks....and objects. Some of the trees were so low I had to crouch down in some areas.
I definitely felt energy within the memory garden it was had a more eerie feeling then the house near it. We then moved on to our next location which was Brooksville Cemetery.