The seven and half acres for this park were donated by a E. Nelson Blake of Arlington Mass. in 1912.  Previously his wife donated money for the construction of the Baptist Church in Lake Helen. He was the brother of Ellis G. Blake and a resident of Lake Helen. Nelson was a snow bird so he spent the winters in the Harlan Hotel due to him not being an all year long resident.

In the 1920s the east half of the park which today has the shuffle board courts, benches, playground, tennis courts, childrens recreation center and many very old trees use to have an auto camp with a club house. The auto camp and clubhouse are gone but the foundations still remain embedded in the ground.

Across the street to the west is another section of Blake Park. This served as the Railroad Station grounds followed by a 10 acre parcel of land surrounding it. The station is no longer there and the tracks have been removed. But on this parcel of land you can still tell where the tracks ran threw and where the station was. This part of the park  has been downsized due to the area growing with residencies and streets surrounding the park.

The park is very old obviously and alot of history it has. Such as community events, school competitions, a bustling rail station at one time was here, and so much more that its bound to be haunted. Lake Helen is a beautiful place bordering the strange town of  Cassadaga its a little less popular for ghost hunters but in my opinion alot more mysterious.

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