Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] This Week's Investigation Report.... 
Date: 11/9/2006 3:29:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Big Bend & The Giants Cave
Jim dropped me off near the dam and I started my hike up the mountain. I wish he could have came but I know that this was A. Very dangerous and B. He has a bad back so I would not force anybody to endure what I was about to do.
There was no trail I had to do an estimation it was a 1000 foot climb overlooking the dam and Allegheny River up a slope so steep that technically its almost hands and knees all the way. I got very strong legs and was wearing special slip resistant boots so I was able to actually do the hike standing up but it was the hardest hike I ever did.
The first few hundred feet I had to climb giant rocks I almost fell off once and if I did I probably would not be here writing this right now. Some rocks are covered in moss others leaves. I took a break by one spotted two deer and they seen me despite how far away I was from them.
It took a good half hour to make the climb I would walk about 10 feet then lean back on a tree cause the blood was just flowing threw my legs I could feel it and my asthma was kicking in so I was wheezing too. I drank some Gatorade and ate slim Jim lol then started up again.
Tree to tree it seemed like an endless mountain. A few times I slipped and caught myself with one hand and eventually I reached a small field. I had to get my bearings keep in mind the field had a hidden trail made of stones, to the back of it was woods with more mountain to climb, and I just laid down in the field for a little bit. I knew I was really close and unfortunately I missed the big bend area by a couple hundred feet so I did climb an extra hundred feet up the mountain for nothing.
I cut to my right and pushed my way threw two trees and there it was a giant open area. I cannot even describe how I felt just standing at the edge of a cliff over looking this big open area called the bowl. Basically its a plateau with cliffs on both sides of it and one opening leads down the mountain the other up to the peak. In the bowl is a field with a small manmade road that meanders threw it.
I seen the road a few hundred feet away as I stood at the edge of the cliff. Now I had to figure out how the hell do I get into the bowl. I walked along the edge of the cliff thought about climbing the rocks down but instead found a slope covered in heavy brush. I did go down it and it was rough got scratched up but it was great to be in the bowl area.
I took the road and some of it was muddy but you could see that it was laid out with stones which led me to a dead end. At the end of the dead end was a cliff and unlike the one cliff behind me that had steep edges this cliff was all collapsing.
Something was not right there was an edge sticking out and just a giant slope of stones. This was it the sealed cave and believe me I wanted to get in but more then likely there was tons of rocks blocking the entrance to this giant cavern.
I climbed up the slope and found above the cliff two trails I took the one to the right which was actually on the peak of the mountain so I took photos to show everybody what it looks like from up there. I could see the dam, river, other mountains etc all from above it was gorgeous.
There was a fire pit up here so people do backpack and hike here. The trail was not very long and it took me to this open field which had a few ever green trees. This area was very mystical, secluded and if I lived here id camp up here. I found a peace symbol made all in rocks here and a man made fire pit out of stones.
I got back on another trail which led me right back over the giants cave. Now keep in mind this cave has a story Ill share that later down the road on the website which will expose this area to the public and maybe others will come forth privately to me about what really happened here.
I climbed carefully down the slope and walked along the cliff hoping to maybe find a hole I could climb in cause I did want to get inside the cave. Not sure if its the best idea afterall what was sealed in here probably would eat me for lunch but ehhhh what the hell I figured.
I noticed for about 50 feet a lot of rocks were crushed and mixed in with concrete or anotherwards gypsum. There was part of the cliff completely blown to pieces. There was a hole in one area of the cliff that may have been a possible cavern entrance but if it was it was a tight squeeze and I would not have made it in there.
But you could see that this area was dynamited and if this was the entrance it was pretty large cause there was at least 50 feet of collapsed rocks, sand, concrete etc the government sealed it up and they did a hell of a good job cause even if I tried to get in a shovel or a sledge hammer would have been useless here.
It was real dismal here I felt something up here watching me the whole time I mean what do you expect I was alone by myself in the mountains anything could have gotten me here. I eventually started my hike down off the mountain.
Jim was waiting for me further down below and we talked on a two way radio so we did put them to use. There was some giant rock formations on this side of the peak so I had to be careful not to fall and tumble into them. The way down was not easy for me.
It was so steep in this area I literally had to sit on my ass and slide down the mountain I had rocks stabbing me, my hands were all cut up, a few times I tried to walk down and no matter how hard I tried I kept falling and after I fell on my arm on a hard rock I said the hell with it and starting sledding down the mountain.
At times I was traveling very fast I remember going 50 feet at one time in just a few seconds almost did not stop missing trees and giant rocks. I made it out to the bottom and took a photo of a sign that says no trespassing US government property.
I pulled it off no paranormal evidence but I at least am able to bring our fans a story and expose what really happened here to the public. Jim was at the hatchery and I took some photos of the river and dam. They were releasing a lot of water at the time and that river was swirling with high currents.
We came back to the house as at 3pm we were supposed to head on out to Counterfeiter' s Den.
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Above  you are looking into the bowl two areas of the cliff are collapsed trying to cover up the caves. There is a man made road covered in stone and dirt within the bowl each area leads to what appears at one time a cave.
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Here is one of the entrances you can see in the rocks bits of concrete which are the whiter looking rocks. All that remains is a slope covering the cavern. 
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Its A Miracle What Can I Say!
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Above is the smaller area which is collapsed. By Following this to the left you reach a second larger area. There is also bits of concrete mixed in over here as well.  The man made stone road leads right to this entrance while the other one to the left tends to be overgrown. 

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This is the manmade road it dead ends at the smaller cave which is a slope then over the hill to the left is the larger collapsed area.