We really had a hard time deciding the name to this cemetery cause you see around the corner is a church matching this cemeteries name yet this cemetery sits behind this church with no name. None of it makes sense as to why the Baptist Church down the road is using this cemetery when their already is a whole separate diocese sitting on the property. Unless one is the old pioneer church and the one up the road is an expansion.

We had a tough time at first deciding what cemetery we were in cause right around the corner is another one however we did not find it cause it was hidden behind a ranch house hidden from public eye. We tried though almost got stuck and of course the ranchers come on outside chasing you with their shot guns so its not a very nice scenario:)

But people get the Beulah Baptist Cemetery confused with the Fruitland Mt. Zion Methodist Cemetery even though both are close they are not the same. However despite the very few graves that are located here one of the oldest burials took place in 1884 by a man named Daniel Washington Babers who ran the the local Babers newspaper business then just a few years after the rest of his family passed away.

This is an old pioneer area so lots of old churches in the community most of it is still preserved dirt roads today like a century ago. 

© By

Lord Rick-AngelOfThyNight


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