Subject: [SupernaturalFlorida] Last Night's Chiller Investigation Report.....
Date: 7/3/2006 1:34:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

I could not have asked for a better night then to investigate last night. We also had a new investigator attend the adventure thank you Patti I am so glad to see that there are some out there who do care about this group. Remember everything we do is a team effort one hand helps the other.
We visited two places last night both were extremely extensive one extremely haunted the other one natural energy. The two places we visited were the Bauer House and the Smyrna Dunes Park. I really enjoyed both places cause we started off with a real chiller and then a calmer to bring our alert levels down.
Trying to pack in this investigation would be a hardship Cause yesterday I went to Phantom Fireworks to buy a ton of them for our group party. Then Saturday Night I had a friends birthday party to attend to and was drinking Saki and Goldslager lol. So its been a pretty eventful weekend for me so that is why we had to stretch our investigation to a Sunday night.
We started off the investigation toking up a few bowls I have no shame being a spiritual person I like to feel like one with the earth. I like to relax and use my senses to feel out around me and so our night was starting off very nicely with not knowing what to expect as we journeyed into this house.


Bauer House

We started hiking down the birding trail in the back of the house. I did show Patti the front of the house and tried to see what her theory was on it. She said the same thing I said about it back in April when Ariel and I were investigating. But at that time I did not go into it cause we were understaffed this time we had Jason and Patti to help us.
We walked around the back and I was looking in some windows. One window I could see a rusted fridge and it appeared to be a lot of junk in the house like someone was living there. You could see it in some windows but most of them were covered in dust and cob webs.
We went down a little nook where the house had brush growing and had the house on both sides of us. We were trapped in this small area when near the woods we could hear somebody or something walking towards us. We shut off the lights and it stopped but then seconds later what was out there I heard getting close. Patti said maybe an animal but what was in the woods behind the house sounded more human and well I am starting to think the ghost may have surrounded us to follow us in the house perhaps. But wow you talk about feeling watched we were in the dark with woods on one side and the house on the other.
We entered into the house it was very warm in the den and living room area. I was amazed at how large this house was. We stood there awhile looking all around us and there was canceled checks from 1986 all over the floor yet they looked brand new. We seen a pair of hedge clippers on the floor to. When you see the photos that will explain things trust me
Jason tripped over a small trampoline and I could feel a strong presence around us. There was a lot of halls downstairs one leading to the kitchen, the other led to some bedrooms, and then there was another that led to the basement area and foyer.
It was a very unique set up and right away I noticed tons of needles, medications, shelves of antibiotics and so on. I had to assume that this person who was here was some sort of doctor. There was even a pool table inside and everything in the house stayed behind. We seen couches, lamps, furniture, knick knacks there was a very eerie feeling here.
Patti and I sensed a lot of things going on. For one we both heard walking upstairs Then seconds later we heard the most awful horrifying moan near the stair well leading upstairs of a man. We are not sure if we got it on micro cassette recorder or if it will appear on the night vision cams recordings.
But we were not alone in this house there was already instant activity and there was nowhere to go because all exits were sealed shut here. One way in one way out and us. The house seemed like it became alive as we all spread out downstairs.
We went down a very narrow hall which had two more bedrooms side by side. The beds were in there hell the one room had a mannequin. I do not have to even say to much cause once you see the photos you will understand. The one room had black and white photos laying in an open drawer, clothes etc Patti and I once again heard movement in the house.
We then went into the kitchen and I am one to notice little things hearing the humming sound coming from the fridge. The fridge was ice cold and it was running. Patti flipped the light switch and the kitchen lights turned on. The house despite its poor condition had some power running inside it. I have not been to many abandoned houses with power. We carefully opened the freezer not knowing what we would find.
There was a roast rotting in the fridge with freezer burn on it and left opened. Then there was fresh ice cube trays and meat in packages. This fridge was in such poor shape I am surprised it ran to tell you the truth. The kitchen was very old with old sinks, stove, etc You could tell the house was around a century old.
We found another hall which led to a pantry and steps leading into the basement. Who would build a house with a basement that close to the beach that is the question. Its a very rare site.
After awhile we begin to head towards the upstairs. Despite I could feel a man downstairs I felt the presence of a lady upstairs. We went up the old creaky steps and on the banisters were tons of brand new women's jeans and sweaters. I at this point thought maybe a female vagrant was sleeping here or at one time she stayed here before the house went under lock down.
There was also a clothes rack with many old types of 1950's clothing hanging off of it. That rack blocked a bathroom door which later we moved and opened up to investigate. The room to the left was eerie there was these cardboard drums do not know what was sealed in them. There was knickknacks on the shelf and a bed with books on them.
The next room we went into was a balcony over looking the historical street and all its shops. We took a break and seen a convertible full of hot girls drive past the house. I told Jason see where else can you get such benefits for being an investigator lol.
Its amazing how many places we go and people have no idea we are watching it just goes to show you nobody pays no mind to haunted locations. The room like the other had a bed and lots of books on it. The bathroom had a locked door which led into another room. We figured that out when we went into the 4th room around the corner.
Finally I found the master bedroom which appeared to have belonged to a teenage girl. You could tell that perhaps this is where the female presence was. There was a lot of girly things in the room including many nice outfits hanging in the closet and on a rack which would fit a girl in her teens. There was a sewing machine in here and the sink was built right into the bedroom perfect for brushing your teeth.
We then took another hallway which led us to a medical room stored with needles, shelves of antibiotics etc and I studied some of the products more and it turns out that the person who lived here was a veterinarian and ran his animal hospital out of his home. We then went into the final room which was a weight room. Jason showed his strength by lifting some weights lol.
As we went down the long hallway I could feel us being watched we were not alone in this house. Something had been lurking in the shadows. Patti felt it and we heard a lot of movement like footsteps in the house. After taking a few more photos we went down stairs and covered the final area which was the basement. We were almost home free of this dismal place.
We careful went down into the basement and the door was stuck. Luckily Jason got it open and we were home free. The basement smelled very mildewed but there was no water down here. There were a few tools and tires but that was about it.
We made it out of the house and inspected an old car in the driveway with a 1994 tag all dusty. The history does not match the time frame to the car. So I am wondering if the people who stop by the front of the house to get a ghost tour are told even the right story. Cause orginally the house was suppose to be abandoned in 1986 when the owner up and left everything including the car yet the tag was from 94 so its hard to say what happened here. I think there is more to the story being everything was left behind.
I took some outdoor shots and we took a little trail in the woods which came out on the other side of the house. I still felt a presence watching us from the upstairs. We then concluded the investigation.
This was one of our better investigations not in the sense your going to see tons of ghost photos but we took EMF readings, EVP recordings, and Patti filmed the entire house on night vision cam which she will give me a copy of. When I get it I will rip any paranormal footage and it will be available on our site.
The house is dead spooky I mean I observed a calendar in the one from 1929 I believe. I also could not help noticing all the old medical tools The one balcony in the front of the house had one of those old hospital beds. Jason and I celebrated we blew off some bottle rockets out front of the house then we headed back to the car to visit New Smyrna Dunes.




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