Subject :Last Nights Amazing Halloween Adventure In Saint Augustine....
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups.

Barnes Cemetery
After eating in my car my packed lunch or midnight snack I went to this cemetery which sits a ways back behind a church. Its private so I did not feel comfortable being here with the house out back etc.
The sprinklers were going off so I had to work my way around them. I felt really watched like a few entities were like get out of our family cemetery. Hell I know they were don't ask.
I opened the rusty gate took my photos fast and got out of there. Something was moving around the woods nearby probably an animal. It was also really cold here and the cemetery was fairly not that old.
A few graves were off on there own and the school was in front of the cemetery. It was very private just didn't feel it here. I felt more like I was chased out by something but I did get off plenty of photos....and when I left the sprinklers stopped.
Then the last place I headed off I saved it for last because it is what it is a very very scary place maybe not to me but anybody else that would have came well yeah its a pants crapper called the Langdale Homestead.


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